A. to find out if a hypothesis is correct.
Biogenesis = <u>Life from life</u> : Spontaneous Generation = <u>Life from non-living things</u>
As an accurate statement of the difference between spontaneous generation and biogenesis:
Spontaneous generation that sometimes refers to "abiogenesis" is an idea that life comes from non-living things/components. Whereas biogenesis is a contemporary concept that life can only arise from another living thing.
Cell division, a baby of mice born from adult males and females, etc. are some examples of biogenesis. In contrast, there is no example of spontaneous generation. It remains a theoretical concept.
The deer population would drastically be reduced with the slower rate of reproduction and predators that would kill more deer than can reproduce. The environment would likely also have a reduced population of predators for deer, since the food source is reduced.