The answer is Bootsrap
A bootstrap program which is also referred to as a bootstrap loader is a program that resides in the computer’s Read Only Memory. It starts the whole chain reaction and ends up with the entire OS being loaded. This program reads the computer’s hard drive boot sector and continues with the process of loading the Operating System. It first performs a POST test and then proceeds to load the OS intothe main memory.
Text = “ I really like owls. Did you know that an owls eyes are more than twice as big as the eyes of other birds of comparable weight? And that when an owl partially closes its eyes during the day, it is just blocking out light? Sometimes I wish I could be an owl.
word = ‘owl’
texts = text.lower()
owlist = list(texts.split())
count = text.count(word)
num = [owlist, count] #num has no meaning just random var
Alter in anyway you want so that you can succeed. ✌
The correct answer is ASK which denotes Amplitude Shift Keying. This is essentially a type of amplitude modulation which represents the binary data that comes varied forms right in the amplitude of a signal.
Now the reason why It is the most susceptible technique to noise is due to the fact that between frequency, phase & amplitude, amplitude is the one that is most susceptible to being affected by noise when compared to the other two.
Answer: fake water all across the road
There are very few similarities beyond some convergent features of their respective user interfaces. Their internal architecture is very different, differing from kernel models to shell integration to executable formats. A comprehensive list of similarities is neither possible nor useful, because it would consist mostly of obvious statements like "They are both operating systems" or "They both have graphical user interfaces, "They both include
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