upper class single women normally lived at home until they married, they would go out with their mothers or with some other respectable chaperone (an aunt, a married sister, a governess etc) doing visiting, shopping etc. balls, theatres, concerts etc would be enjoyed, especially for the opportunity to meet eligible young men.
most likely drinking tea
allusion makes sense here
1. My Biggley tended to the other customers after he pulled out the latest sheet of stamps.
2. Allie and Lulu looked at the stamps once again while the bell above the door rang.
3. --- [there are no parentheses]
D. This is an actual real problem going on in this world today
I have a ball python so you might not have the same opinion...
when I think of snakes I think of beautiful majestic cratures. I think if misunderstood beautiful creatures that are just so small that sometimes they have to defend themselves.