Blind spots in large animals are normally directly down, behind, or up. So i think its b.
Your right leg...I believe it differences in if you are right handed or left handed
Creatinuria - <span>An increased concentration of creatine in the urine.</span>
Haemophilus influenzae is the virus responsible for the causing influenza. Since it cause <span>severe inflammation of the airways, death of the epithelial cells, and excess secretion of mucus, it would most likely show an obstructive disease pattern.
Obstructive Lung diseases are characterized by i</span><span>nflammation and swelling narrow the airways as well as excess mucus lodged in the airways.
</span>The following values are indicative for a patient with obstructive lung disease:
FEV1 stands for Forced expiratory volume and FVC for f<span>orced vital capacity
• FEV₁/FVC ratio < 0.7 (or 70%)
• FEV₁ < 80% predicted
• FEF 25-75% < 60%predicted.