The nurse knows the written instructions for healthcare when a person is incapacitated is called an advance directive. This includes instructions about CPR, death, resuscitation, or prolonging life beyond consciousness.
The caregiver must be authorized to make healthcare decisions for a person who is deemed incapable of giving consent. The advance directive may be in any form written, electronic or oral.
The nurse will help families to create an advance directive that can guide their healthcare needs without having to address those issues.
An advance directive is a document that a person places in physical or electronic form in order to express his or her preferences regarding medical care at the time of incapacitation.
Advance Directives are legal documents written by the incapacitated, living, or deceased. These directives allow families and doctors to abide by their wishes when making healthcare decisions for them.
The nurse takes care of the patient’s life by providing them with the best care possible and should make sure that there is an advance directive on file.
a growing population, aging seniors, disease prevalence or incidence, medical service utilization, and service price and intensity.
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Blood sugar test, glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test, fasting blood sugar test