You want to use proper etiquette and be polite, do not call them by their first name and always refer to them as Mr., or Mrs. Use an extended vocabulary and do not talk about yourself. If you have proper grammar, depending on the job, that can be seen as intelligence. And always use an appropriate closing that is respectful. Such as, Sincerely, John Doe.
Abstraction is the process of removing or taking away certain characteristics to reduce or hide several very important characteristics.
In OOP (Object Oriented Programming), to increase efficiency and reduce complexity, a programmer hides certain vital data about an object. This is abstraction in programming.
For further clarification, a programmer ensures that the name given to an entity makes sense and most importantly, that it carries relevant aspects, and non essential parts are not included.
disable SSID broadcast and change the network name
Based on my experience with information technology and wireless networks my recommendation would be to disable SSID broadcast and change the network name. Disabling SSID will prevent the network name from appearing on devices that are searching for a network to connect to, and by changing the name it will also prevent anyone who knows the previous name from connecting unless they know the new name. Both of which will drastically increase security.
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