There is likelihood of inheriting a mutation from your parents would be based on the type of cell in which the mutation was found.
There are two basic types of cell; the germinal cells and the somatic cells. The germinal cells give rise to gamete and these gametes are responsible for the formation of offspring which are produced by the parents. A mutation in any of the gamete that partakes in fertilization will be transferred to the offspring. Mutation that occurs in the gametic cell is called germinal mutation.
The other cell is the somatic cell. The somatic cell are cells in living organism other than the reproductive cell. The somatic cells mutation cannot be transferred to their offspring because most somatic mutations are caused by environmental factors such as radiation and chemicals
A mutant clone might arise if the mutation occurs in a tissue that still has its cell still dividing but if the mutation is in a post-mitotic cell that is, one that is no longer dividing, then the effect on phenotype is likely to be negligible. The result of somatic mutation in a parent can then be transferred to the offspring through the gametic cell