wages and prices are often inflexible in the downward direction.
John Maynard Keynes was a British economist born on the 5th of June, 1883 in Cambridge, England. He was famous for his brilliant ideas on government economic policy and macroeconomics which is known as the Keynesian theory. He later died on the 23rd of April, 1946 in Sussex, England.
Keynes believed that wages and prices are often inflexible in the downward direction.
In Economics, when there are monetary disturbances and a great level of macroeconomic factors in the economy of a particular country, this usually result in prices of goods and services being sticky.
D. base an employee's salary on the number of task skills he or she possesses.
Pay for knowledge programme as the name implies, is when an employer renumerate an employee for learning or developing new skills/task on the job.
If an employee develop new skills while working and then get renumerated, this will make the employee get himself or herself acquainted with the company. In order words, the employee will go out of his way to improve his efficiency in terms of increase in productivity due to the new task skill gained.
In this reward system, the employer rewards the employee with payment increase for leaning new task and skills on the job which is beyond their regular activity.
the answer is D it is the right answer