Network Address Translation<span> (NAT) is the answer</span>
It could glitch out or be hacked or deleted.
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
<span>When widgets, or portable chunks of code, are embedded on html pages and thereby help increase the functionality of those pages, consumers embrace one of the greatest virtues of social media known as Collaboration.</span>
PWC stands fro personal water craft (aquascooter, jet bike,
jet ski, wave runner, ski free, motorised
surfboard etc.). The operator of PWC must be at least 16 years old.
In order to minimize the risk of accident or injury the PWC operator must follow several rules:
- the pwc operator should know the boating rules
- to monitor the speed of the vessel to ensure that a safe speed is being maintained.
- to adhere to the 5 knot rule (approximately 10kph) when close to shore,
other boats (including boats at anchor) around dive flags and swimmers,
fixed structures (ramps and jetties)