The Coriolis Effect can be seen in action in the general circulation of the atmosphere. The winds at all latitudes to the north of 0° deflect to the right of their intended path in the Northern Hemisphere. The Coriolis Effect does not impact the wind speed, only the wind direction.
There are five basic Hardy-Weinberg assumptions:
1. Random Mating -
2. No natural selection - all members of the parental generation survived and contributed equal numbers of gametes to the gene pool, no matter the genotype
3. No genetic drift (random allele frequency changes) - the population is infinitely large.
4. No gene flow - no new alleles were added by immigration or lost through emigration (no migration)
5. No mutation - There must be mutation equilibrium.
so what's the question asking? does she want to know how much? or the necessary items?
B.) Marshmallows catching fire.
Guard cells
Guard cells are the cells that are found around the openings of the stomata, their functions is that they regulate the opening and closing of the stomata. These cells are always fill with latex which is of high percentage of water, therefore when the intake of water is low, the functionality of the cells will be affected.
And it must be noted that, the stomata is very important in the exchange of gases, that is a process where oxygen is released and carbon dioxide is absorbed. Therefore when the cells are affected, the gas exchange will also be effected.