dynamic pricing policy
Dynamic pricing is the strategy of offering different prices to different customers. This could be based on purchase situations, past purchase behaviors,order ,size,timing, demand and supply levels and other factors.
Laws that a judge finds to be conflict with the conflict with the U.S. constitution are referred to as "unconstitutional laws" These can be struck down in the Supreme Court.
Answer:a) Regency effec b) Primary effect
Explanation:The Primacy/Recency Effect refers to the fact that one is able to remember the first information or what they hear first or what they encounter at the begining (primacy ) and the last information at the end(Recency) better than they remember the information found in the middle .
Primacy is likely caused by the fact that one has plenty of time to recall this first presented Information because it doesn't compete with other information as it is the first encounter. Middle information is hard to recall because there is usually a lot of information to recall in the middle whilst the last information is usually short as does the first information.
Answer: Services like law making, road renovation and building,court facility,campaign for people and disabled people etc are introduced by government at national stage.
Government provides various services to public or citizens of the nation at national level.Government is responsible for handling, controlling , maintaining and regulation services for well-being, help and happiness of people.They manage nation through making rights, laws etc for protection and functioning.
Services like road building,making and enforcing laws and regulation for citizen, court facilities ,program or campaign for people, disabled peoples special program, safety for products.