Peacocks would not be in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
This can be justified by the mating patterns of the female peacocks. They do not choose their mates randomly but look out specifically for bright attractive plumage in their male partners and then select them.
Hardy-Weinberg's Equilibrium of evolution mechanism was based on facts like random mating, no natural selection, mutation, absence of gene flow, and infinite population size.
They stated that organisms mate randomly with each other without any specific or a particular preference in the phenotypes of their opposite mates
Hormones are the chemicals that play important role in human body. The changes in human body is mainly related to the hormonal changes. In case of a female, hormones play a very significant role. If the diet is unhealthy or laden with extra hormones or chemicals that mimic hormones, the female my experience and early puberty. In such case, the menarche can be reached earlier than expected.
Thus, diet laden with hormone mimicking chemicals are expected of contributing to girl's earlier experience of menarche.
Answer: your on the right track
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The aim of the Hershey and Chase experiment was to show that DNA and not proteins are the genetic material.
Proteins are made up of amino acids which also has a nitrogenous base. Since the whole point of the experiment was to differentiate between the two i.e. show which one is the genetic material, it would be impossible to differentiate between DNA and proteins if the nitrogenous base was labelled.