So, from the name, we can say that carbon dioxide has two oxygen atoms. Alternatively, we can use the chemical formula of the molecule. Carbon dioxide has a chemical formula of CO2 .
A proton gradient is generated by the transport of protons into the thylakoid lumen.
Protons move from the thylakoid lumen to the stroma through ATP synthase, producing ATP.
During photosynthesis, the environment is made acidic inside the lumen i.e. H⁺ are pumped into thylakoid lumen from stroma as a result of which more H⁺ are present in the thylakoid lumen as compared to stroma. It happens during light dependent reaction of photosynthesis. The concentration of H⁺ is already higher in lumen and transfer of more and more H⁺ from stroma increases the concentration of H⁺ even more leading to generation of a potential gradient. These H⁺ subsequently tend to move freely from lumen to stroma via "reverse pumps known as ATP synthase". The reason why these are known as reverse pumps is because pumps usually move particles from lower to higher concentration which is an active movement i.e. not natural so such movement requires energy. Naturally particles move from higher to lower concentration gradient until the concentration becomes equal on both the sides but pumps act opposite of this natural process and move particles from lower to higher concentration and utilize energy to do it. But here H⁺ are moving from higher to lower concentration which occurs naturally so ATP synthase rather than using energy tend to generate energy and this free energy is used to generate ATP from ADP & Pi (inorganic phosphate).
1. Apoplastic
2. Symplastic
3. Symplastic
4. Apoplastic
The interconnected porous cell walls of plant cells make apoplast along which water is allowed to move freely. Symplast refers to the path made up of interconnected cytoplasm of many plant cells connected by plasmodesmata. Therefore, water and dissolved minerals enter the root cortex from the epidermis in the solution can move through symplast and apoplast till endodermis.
Water and dissolved minerals present in the cytoplasm of cortical cells move from one cell to next via plasmodesmata (the symplast) while the ones present in their cell walls and intercellular space move through apoplast. The presence of casparian strips in the endodermal cell wall does not allow the movement of water and minerals through the apoplast.
It causes eutrophication which means that the algae have too much nutrients and take over the pond, use the oxygen so there is not enough left for marine life, which die as a result.