B. people who have good fortune should not expect it to last forever...
I hope it helps you
Kamen gives the opinion that his equipment was complicated. He supports this opinion with facts; for example, he says that people "had trouble wiring it" and that he "spent several days" fixing it.
This is just the example that ed uses, so I wouldn't suggest copying and pasting, but this should help. :)
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The opposing forces are Rev. Buckminster and his son Turner Buckminster.
It is a man vs man/ individual vs. individual/ person vs person conflict.
The conflict is related to the setting for the story happens during the racist prejudice era.
The conflict in a narrative story is the contrast in the forces or elements in play. These opposing forces try to suppress each other, further forwarding the plot.
The conflict in the passage from the story "Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy" by Gary D. Schmidt is between Turner Buckminster and his father Rev, Buskminster. The Rev. does not like his son hanging around with people such as Lizzie, who are of a colored section. The setting of the story being during the racism, Turner had been prevented by his father to stay away from the colored people. But rather than doing what he's told, he began to hang around more and more with Lizzie. Thus, the opposing forces of the conflict are the father and son.
The type of conflict is man vs. man or individual/ person vs. individual/person. This type of conflict happens when a man or an individual have conflicting interests from another individual.
The conflict in this scene is related to the setting for the interests of the two individuals are different from each other. Since the theme of racial discrimination is prevalent in the story, the conflict in the two individuals' beliefs also led to the further advancement of the story.
The narrator says of Clifford, "fate has no happiness in store for you" other than what he currently enjoys, so he should appreciate it