The satisfaction of customer is the key need of survival for any business.
As the customer satisfaction will result into good branding, economic support and vital performance booster for the organisation.
Customer satisfaction ensures that the organization is socially and economically viable, and equally capable of running business with the perspective of growth.
Thus the above stated statement is
Checking for quality fall within MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION AREA while paying creditor fall within FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING AREA.
There are many functional areas in business, each functional area is responsible for performing specific functions.
Answer and explanation:
Sexual harassment is the act by which employees of an organization tend to use their hierarchical position in the firm to influence other employees in engaging personal relationships with them, without the need for the harassed employee to be interested in such a relationship.
The first step to mitigate this unethical behavior is to file a complaint in the Human Resources (HR) department of the company. If there are doubts about the complainant employee, that employee should look for protection from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) which is the governmental agency in charge of enforcing rules against any type of discrimination or unfair treatment in the work-frame.
The answer is "Option 4".
The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index formula:

here sn is the firm n's share of the market proportion represented the society in general number instead of a decimal
Index Herfindahl-Hirschman:
Index Herfindahl-Hirschman(Result of the merger, firms with profit margins of 6% and 5% provided market shares of respectively).

The market with just an HHI of less than 1,500 is called a competitive industry, one on an HHI of 1,500 to 2,500 is called a moderately competitive store, and one on an HHI of 2,500 or higher is considered a highly potent store by us Justice department.
All businesses operate in a moderately crowded market, as well as a merger such as this reduces competition (increases chances of monopoly). Also as result, the Justice Dept may examine its merger but will most likely deny this because the Herfindahl-Hirschman index has risen.