B, because in all truth and honesty, stress is truly inevitable. Also, use process of elimination. I hoped that helped :)
Because the air is denser and at night the wind blows from land to water
The sister chromatids are identical to one another and are attached to each other by proteins called cohesins. They are formed.
3 Phosphate groups. Definition of triphosphate: a salt or acid that contains three phosphate groups.
Following are the statements:
1. Main phagocytes in circulation
2. Like eosinophils, they are involved in inflammation and allergic reactions
3. Phagocytic cells that leave circulation and differentiate into macrophages
4. Display no antigen specificity but are active against tumor and virally infected cells
1. Neutrophils
2. Basophils
3. Monocytes
4. Natural killer cells
Neutrophils can be described as the most abundant type of white blood cells. They make up to 55%- 75% of the immune system.
Basophils can be described as white blood cells which are made in the bone marrow.
Monocytes can be described as white blood cells which are the largest and differentiate into macrophages and myeloid lineage dendritic cells.
Natural killer cells can be described as white blood cells which play a role in providing innate immunity.