Check the explanation
Bond Cur.Yld. Vol. Close Net Chg.
Doh! 9 ½ 18 9.0 5 105 1/2 - 1/4
Doh! 8 ½ 21 9.4 10 90 1/4 -1/2
1. As given in question:
Closing Price of the first bond: =105.5*10
Closing Price of the second bond: =90.25*10
2. Yesterday's price for first bond: =(105.5+0.25)*10
Yesterday's price for second bond: =(90.25+0.5)*10
3. kindly check the attached image below to see the solution to question 3
4. Capital Gain Yield for first bond =(P1-P0)/P0
Life income with certain period annuity
This type of policy guarantees a certain amount of money during the remaining life of the insured. It also guarantees that during a minimum specified time, the certain period, the payments will be carried out even if the insured dies. In this case the benefits will be paid to his/her beneficiary. The insured determines the certain period when choosing the life insurance plan, and the certain period can vary from 5 to 30 years.
Through Collaborative bargaining
Parties that have an unequal bargaining power can negotiate meaningfully, without one party taking advantage of the other through the method known as <u>collaborative bargaining</u>. In collaborative bargaining, both the involved parties listen to each other’s claims and issues and then collaborate to come to a consensus. There is transparency in the overall bargaining process and hence there is very less probability that one party is taking advantage of the other party.
Technology that should have made salespeople
In To Sell Is Human, bestselling author Daniel Pink debunks the trope of the polyester-clad trickster as the face of sales in America. In fact, Pink found that most Americans now spend a good part of their job in “non-sales” sales, moving people by persuasion even if they aren’t trying to get them to buy a product. Pink explores how the increased accessibility due to the internet has made being a buyer better than ever and what salespeople need to do to be successful in a “caveat venditor” (seller aware) economy.