That Donald Trump is the best.
<span>The first American colony in Tejas was lead by </span>Stephen F. Austin.
Answer: Reaction formation
Explanation:Reaction formation is a psychological defense mechanism which occurs when a person exaggerate the opposite of how they feel, they don't only deny how they feel but they act total opposite of how they actual feel.
The ego is kept in the dark whilst the id is pleased with this bidding if true emotions. It can be seen by someone getting angry at anyone who opposes what they say they believe.
What is an example of reaction formation?
Some people who are afraid of coming out and say they are homosexual they tend to show harsh animosity against those who have openly displayed it.
Answer: The activity of creation of new advertisements that can attract the customers and help in selling the goods and services for commercial purposes is called advertising.
The identification of cultural norms and values is important part of the marketing research. The cultural values like cultural ethics, how people safeguard their culture, rituals they celebrate, and daily devotional activities performed by them are important for the sustenance of the market too. Thus the knowledge of cultural character of the society is important for commercialism. The advertisements created by the advertising agencies utilize these cultural values to make an effect on the population and to attract the customers towards the purchase of goods and services.