Answer: The function of the coded instructions contained in the body cells of an organism is called the Genes
They have sharp teeth up to 3 inches long and they are big
What would be the expected result of the experiment?
For the drawing of the map part, the scientific will find that effectively, a very large number of volcanoes are located near the meeting points of tectonic plates. The volcanoes that aren't now at the edge of the plate were most probably at the moment of their formation, and were moved away by the movement of the plate.
But I doubt the scientist would be able to identify many new volcanoes, because the creation of a volcano isn't something happening overnight.
How would you interpret the results if the scientist observes no new volcanic activity?
I would say that does NOT invalidate the theory because the observation period is extremely short. 10 years is an insignificant amount of time geologically speaking... the study would have to be conducted over at least 1,000 years to maybe have some results at all. Just imagine how many volcanoes there would be if a new one was created every 10 years along the side of a tectonic plate.
The grid method is best used in large crime scenes such as fields or woods.
Several searchers, or a line of them, move alongside each other from one end of the area to be searched to the other.
Ribosomes are the building blocks of trna, that are produced in the mitochondria, aka the powerhouse of the cell