You should give him water to drink and observe him closely.
The independent variable is the amount of alcohol.
The dependant variable is the coordination skills. The skills depend and are affected by the amount of alcohol drunk.
A gingival epithelial cell is attached to the basal lamina. Hemidesmosome
type of cell junction allows the cell to attach to the basal lamina.
Hemidesmosomes are very small stud-like structures found in keratinocytes of the epidermis of skin that attach to the extracellular matrix. They are similar in form to desmosomes when visualized by electron microscopy, however, desmosomes attach to adjacent cells.
Hemidesmosomes are also comparable to focal adhesions, as they both attach cells to the extracellular matrix. Instead of desmogleins and desmocollins in the extracellular space, hemidesmosomes utilize integrins. Hemidesmosomes are found in epithelial cells connecting the basal epithelial cells to the lamina lucida, which is part of the basal lamina.[2] Hemidesmosomes are also involved in signaling pathways, such as keratinocyte migration or carcinoma cell intrusion.
Learn more about Hemidesmosomes here