The French and Indian war marked a major turning point in American relations with Great Britain, with changes such as increased British control and anti-British sentiment in the colonies, but also continuities such as a loyalty to Britain that remained largely untouched by the war.
1 Throw the current policy, legal and institutional frameworks for combating corruption into the dustbin. They are ill conceived and cannot achieve their intended or presumptive goal(s).
2 Rethink the Ndegwa Report’s recommendation that allowed civil, public and state officers to engage in private business. The fight against corruption shall never get anywhere so long as we allow this conflict of interest.
3 Constitute a multi-disciplinary think tank, comprising intellectuals and practitioners from various fields, to formulate new policy, legal and institutional frameworks for combating corruption. The think-tank should be wary of an ultra-legal, linear or single-dimension approach to corruption.
4 Grant unconditional amnesty to all corrupt acts and omissions from the colonial days to date. The corrupt are too entrenched, having enjoyed unhindered access to state patronage since the colonial days. Any attempt to fight past corruption will never get anywhere. They will easily overrun the best professional teams from our State Law Office, the Police Service and the DPP. In other words, fight corruption prospectively, with effect from the date of the new policy, legal and institutional frameworks set out in
Revolutionary movement
It is a specific type of social movement dedicated to carrying out a revolution. Charles Tilly defines it as "a social movement advancing exclusive competing claims to control of the state, or some segment of it".
It is a matter of opinion, I suppose.
We need jurors, of course, but with so many people who hate it, there surely wouldn't be enough if the goverment simply allowed whoever wanted to volunteer to be the jury. I suppose that makes it sound like a burden, as it's a goverment-ordered requirement, like taxes. It is a privilege, though, if you think about it. Being selected for jury-duty means that you're a reliable citizen of America and you're trusted enough to help make a very important decision.
So, to restate my initial response, Jury duty can be seen as a duty or a burden, depending on how one views it.