Color and light are one of the important things and helpful
in determining concentration as they are able to show basis of whether the
concentrations you have used is correct and accurate as the original effect on
the experiment being conducted. They were able to provide differentiation of
experiments and to be able to show the differences and which are the ones who
are accurate and precise base on the given results.
Options B.
They are both diploblastic.
Cnidarians are group of aquatic animals that live both in fresh water and Marine water. They are distinguished by the possession of specialized cells called cnidocytes for capturing prey. They are radially symmetrical and have two body layers ectoderm and endoderm separated by jelly layer called mesoglea.
Examples are Hydra, corals, sea anemone and jelly fish.
Ctenophores are phylum of Marine animals that are found in every where. They are characterized by vast of cilia which is use for swimming. They are bilaterally symmetrical , they have mouth and don't have anus. They don't have respiratory, excretory and circulatory system. They are diploblastic i.e they have two body layers but some are triploblastic.
They have nemacyctes for capturing prey.
Examples are nuda, tentaculata e.t.c.
It's actually A. Vertebrate have a hard out shell.