This is part of the unfreezing stage
of change. The aim throughout the unfreezing stage is to make an attentiveness
of how the current situation, or current level of satisfactoriness, is delaying
the group in some way. Past behaviors, methods of thinking, procedures, people
and organizational arrangements must all be cautiously inspected to demonstrate
employees how essential a change is for the organization to make or uphold an economical
advantage in the market.
Being a US citizen means, you have the right to live and work in the United States and recieve federal assistance
Subprime mortgages were considered toxic assets because mortgages were bought by investment banks and they bundled them and sold them as securities is True.
Toxic assets are those which can be sold a very low price therefore not making any profit for the seller due to significant drop of value or because they aren’t in demand anymore and cannot be sold in the market. Subprime mortgages were one of the risky investments in the midst of the financial recession.
Subprime mortgages from lenders were loaned to borrowers with no assets, poor credit and sometimes not even an income and sold to investors with regular payments as security. This over securitization was one of the major cause that triggered the financial crisis in 2007-2009 and a decrease in housing demand.
The correct answer is Autonomous
In the autonomous stage, the apprentice develops a capacity not only to detect his own errors, but also what kinds of adjustment are necessary to correct the errors, in this stage they are able to have a more technical look.
In this third stage of motor learning by the individual, the individual performs the movements with gross errors, visualizes his error, where he made a mistake and manages to correct it.
a. with whom they share some similarity
- Art of persuasion occurs when the interested people focus on the arguments and records that respond with a favorable thought. Are implicit and effective and thus get more easily attracted by a message that is delivered by someone and that some shares a relationship or a close connection with that person.