I think that they are used for fund to make the school neater and for school activities and uniform (and I think a bit extra pay) but more advanced
Monroe Doctrine (1823) issued primarily to prevent European nations from future colonization in Latin America.
Substance abuse affects and costs the individual, the family, and the community in significant, measurable ways including loss of productivity and unemployability; impairment in physical and mental health; reduced quality of life; increased crime; increased violence; abuse and neglect of children; dependence on non-familial support systems for survival; and expenses for treatment. The physical and mental health and social consequences of alcohol and other drug use by women can seriously affect their lives and those of their families (HHS/SAMHSA, 1997a). Not only are women, especially young women, beginning to close the gap between female and male consumption of alcohol and other drugs, they suffer earlier and more serious consequences. Women become intoxicated and addicted more quickly than men and develop related diseases earlier (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1996).
Municipal election frameworks are dictated by the idea of the board individuals' voting public and by the nearness or nonattendance of gathering marks on the ballot. The nonappearance of gathering names confounds voters; a voter who must look over among a gathering of up-and-comers whom the person thinks nothing about will have no significant premise in throwing a polling form.
Non-partisanship will, in general, produce authorities more agents of the upper financial strata than of the general people and irritated the class inclination in casting a ballot turnout.
I believe your answer would be eros type, I had this question before but Ican't remember which one was correct, plz tell me if I am wrong.