Latitudes, cloud cover, seasons and water vapor.
1) Latitude- The latitude plays an important role in controlling the incoming solar radiation.
2) Clouds- Clouds acts as albedo as it has the property to reflect solar light back into the atmosphere, thereby keeping the surface comparatively cooler
Artwork is something that can be shared even in tough times. It can bring hope when it seems like there is none. With artwork you can illustrate many things one of those things can be hope. This artwork is letting others know that even though they are quarantined, they are not alone and will never be.
B. Rock and soil that is removed to mine ore.
Overburden is a material or substances that is present above the metal ore. This metal ore is present inside the rock and soil so for its extraction the rock and soil must be removed that is present above it. Metal ore such as gold, silver,coal, iron and platinum are present inside the earth crust. These metals are not present in pure form some soil particles or other substances are present with it which is removed with the help of various instruments and machines.