As the exercise details, a Renaissance Motet is a polyphonic choral work set to a Latin text other than the ordinary of the mass. It is a composition, a vocal musical composition made out of different voices (the polyphonic choral work), resulting in a composition with diverse styles that formed one of the most important polyphonic styles of Renaissance music.
it is critical to control the world's population because it is increasing day by day and due to the increasement of population, global warming is increasing and global warming is bringing a terrific change in this environment.
Thank You!!!! Likewise ♥️
d. instrumental talk; expressive talk
Instrumental talk refers to the type of 'talk' that is aimed to solve a certain problem. Expressive talk on the other hand refers to the type of 'talk' that is aimed to form a close relationship with other people.
Most culture tend to have a certain expectation of people with different genders. Women tend to be expected to play an attentive/caring role such as taking care of children, which is why reseatrchers believe that they are taught to do expressive talk since they're little. Men on the other hands were expected to be in leadership roles, which is why instrumental talk is taught to men since early age.
Due to who was settled in the surrounding areas, Christianity was the primary religion and of course was spread.