Answer:38 ATP
Explanation: It produces a total of 38 ATP, with a single molecule of Glucose
Your cardiovascular system is what moves blood through your body, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and more to its many cells. Those veins and arteries keep you alive. In your home, there are pipes that deliver water to different rooms of the house, helping you stay clean and hydrated.
Answer: For Piaget's process of accommodation it is when you change schema to accommodate new info.
example: Once you learn about something you modify your understanding of a concept to include specific categories. For example, when a child sees a dog, it has four legs and fur. But when they see a cat they create a new schema for cats.
Answer Process of assimilation adds on to pre-existing information/experiences.
example: going back to our cat-dog example. When they develop a concept of a dog as being a four-legged thing with fur, when they see a cat they will place the cat in the same category as a dog and be like "that's a dog" to anything that fits their concept of a dog.