Human beings and natural resources are closely interrelate to each other. On the one hand, human resouyrce is quite essentialfothe socio-economic development of a nation and on the other,rapid population growth is theratening the existamce of human life by creatin imbalance between population and natural resources.The view of social scientists is that population with groth rate of one percent needs a growth of natural resources of four percent to maintain the optimum living stander.The mode of utilization of resources should maintain sustainability in the society. Natural resources are very essential to sustain the life of human being.But rapid population growth has inreased the demand of the resources. It has caused the over expioitation of resources.Thus,natural resources are being degraded.Landslid e,soilerosiosn,pollution,flood,climate change,etc.are the mjore problems for the environment degradation.
Human beings and natural resources are closely interrelate to each other. On the one hand,human resource is quite essentialfothe socio-economic development of a nation and on the other rapid population growth is theratening the existamce of human life by creatin imbalance between population and natural resources.The view of social scientists is that population with groth rate of one percent needs a growth of natural resources of four percent to maintain the optimum living stander.The mode of utilization of resources should maintain sustainability in the society. Natural resources are very essential to sustain the life of human being.But rapid population growth has inreased the demand of the resources.It has caused the over expioitation of resources.Thus,natural resources are being degraded.Landslid e,soilerosiosn,pollution,flood,climate change,etc.are the mjore problems for the environment degradation. Man is the consumer and preserver fo the resources.Human being should not misuse the resources.people should consume these resources rationally.Rapid population growth over-exploits the natural resources.So,population growth should be checked.Similarly,human avtivities should be in accordance with carrying capacity of the earth.Long-term vision and effective planning are essential while carrying development works.The relationship between human beings and components of natural resources.
C. They seek to produce verifiable data.
- The goal of scientific research is to produce scientific knowledge.
- The process that scientists follow to generate this scientific knowledge is called the scientific method.
- The scientific method involves:
- Making an observation regarding natural phenomena.
- Formulating a hypothesis that offers a potential explanation for the phenomena.
- The hypothesis is then tried and tested through experimentation.
- A substantiated and unfalsified hypothesis turns into a theory.
- A theory is universal, substantiated and supported by a large body of evidence. One of the major characteristics of a theory is its reproducibility which means that theory produces verifiable data that can be used to reproduce same or similar results.
In many cells, the structure that controls the cell's activities is the nucleus.
I think the best argument is that it is better not to tamper with nature in the process of ripening because ripening faster is just to get the fruit to market faster and make more money rather than provide food which is not genetically modified because mixing species is not natural and the effects on humans have not been proven yet of these types of foods.
f(R) = p = 0.1
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