Answer: No,the company is not guilty.
Explanation: In the given case, Hines could not be considered guilty of price discrimination as the price charged from different shops was same. The free samples were distributed for the purpose of campaign and the discretion to which shop they want to provide lies completely with the company.
Price discrimination refers to the practice of charging different prices from different customer which the company have definitely not done.
Hence, Hines could not be charged of guilty of price discrimination.
Answer: The cost of the equipment is $66,500.
Explanation: Under IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, the cost of an asset comprises:
- purchase price plus import duties and taxes
- any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in a manner intended by management
- the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located
In the question, $60,000 was the purchase price, the transportation cost of $1,000 was necessary to bring the asset to the location intended by management, $3,000 was the sales tax and the installation cost of $2,500 was also necessary for the asset to function as intended by management. So all these costs would be capitalized as the cost of the equipment as $66,500.
Every day, Scientists work hard to come up with cures for auto immune disease; like rheumatoid arthritis.
That would be a "media plan"
FALSE. Deregulation allows vendors or sellers to set individual prices with no regulation, therefore more likely to set higher rates.