1. most of the energy
2. light and heat
Pulmonary artery carry deoxygenated blood while are there arteries carry oxygenated blood.
pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood while the other veins carry deoxygenated blood
I think it is sugar, as it is using sugar to grow.
English settlement of the new world was not an effect of the industrial revolution.
English settlement came into being before 100 years of the industrial revolution and it was an outcome of the consequences of mercantilism as the most prevailing economic model in the Europe establishment.
In spite of the fact that he didn't have any acquaintance with it, Walther Flemming really noticed spermatozoa going through meiosis in 1882, yet he confused this cycle with mitosis. Regardless, Flemming saw that, dissimilar to during standard cell division, chromosomes happened two by two during spermatozoan improvement. This perception, continued in 1902 by Sutton's careful estimation of chromosomes in grasshopper sperm cell improvement, given conclusive insights that cell division in gametes was not simply customary mitosis. Sutton showed that the quantity of chromosomes was decreased in spermatozoan cell division, a cycle alluded to as reductive division. Because of this cycle, every gamete that Sutton noticed had one-a large portion of the hereditary data of the first cell.