Most hormone feed back is a negative feed back mechansm, A feed back mechanism is a form of a signal mechanism loop where product feed back to control its own production.
For example pancreas is an important gland in an endocrine system which relies on negative feed back to regulate blood glucose level in the body to keep it within the required healthy range.
The answer is C because it is takeing away part of its habitat which would make it's carrying capacity lower which means they cannot have as big of a population.
Great Question! Mass is basically how heavy Something is. Most people confuse mass with weight but there very different from each other. Weight is the downward force something has because of gravity. Mass can be measured in a variety of units too. The second part of the question is how it affects density. It affects it because to find the density you need to be able to find the mass since the formula is Mass divided by volume. I hope this helped you understand a little bit more about mass. Have a great day!
Ethanol fermentation causes bread dough to rise. Yeast organisms consume sugars in the dough and produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as waste products. The carbon dioxide forms bubbles in the dough, expanding it to a foam. Less than 2% ethanol remains after baking.
Somatic vs Germline Mutations. ... Somatic mutations – occur in a single body cell and cannot be inherited (only tissues derived from mutated cell are affected) Germline mutations – occur in gametes and can be passed onto offspring (every cell in the entire organism will be affected)