I believe it’s restriction of underage world to 20 hours per week
A coordinate system is a two-dimensional number line, for example, two perpendicular number lines or axes. The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0). An ordered pair contains the coordinates of one point in the coordinate system. A point is named by its ordered pair of the form of (x, y).
I believe the answer to your question is going to be
“Rule by a power-hungry leader”
If a person is unable to understand or speak a language of the place they are residing in, it becomes difficult for them to survive. They will not understand what the locals are telling them and neither will they be able to convey their message to them.
If they do not understand English and they are living in a place where English dominates as a language, they might not be able to speak up if anything wrong or unjust happens to them. They wont know their responsibilities as a citizen and will fail to survive in that area.
Answer: "social class".
Stratification means the method with which in a society various groups of people are ranked. The rank of individuals is often decided by how the society is stratified. It can base on monetary status and income which is the most general base of stratification.