an intense feeling of deep affection.
Due to someone loving one another
what do you mean by that statement
Deviance is any behavior that violates social norms, and is usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Deviance can be criminal or non‐criminal.
hope it helps you !!
Cognitive behavioral therapy usually involves a therapist talking to a patient and guiding the conversation to discover maladaptive thought patterns then teaching the patient techniques to help deal with those thoughts in an effort to see change a behavior.
There are various reasons.
very cold temperatures - the water can be colder than expected, even in warm weather
hidden currents - there can be strong underwater currents, which can trouble even the most confident of swimmers
reservoirs are often very deep - it is difficult to estimate depth and they can be deeper than people expect
there may be hidden debris or underwater hazards which can cause injury, including weeds and plants which can entangle people under the water
if it’s polluted it could make you ill
it can be very difficult to get out (especially steep slimy banks)
there are no lifeguards on duty
the remoteness of some of these places can also hamper and delay rescue attempts
I hope that helped!