We can multiply both the numerator and denominator by ANY number (as long as you multiply both the numerator and denominator by the SAME number) to get an equivalent fraction
examples would be 2/12 (numerator and denominator multiplied by 2)3/18 (by 3)
4/24 (by 4) etc.
140 ounces of water and 105 ounces of 35% salt solution.
Let be the ounces of water that need to be added and be the ounces of 35% solution that need to to be added.
We know that the total of ounces of water and of 35% solution must be 245 ounces:
35% of is the salt, and since no salt is added with addition of liters of water, this must be equal to the amount of salt in the final 15% solution:
we solve for and get:
We put this value into and solve for to get:
Thus we have 140 ounces of water and 105 ounces of 35% solution.
There are numerous ways you can do this, but take a look at the attachment to see how I did it. I hope it answers your question! :)
Answer:Alto 16cm Ancho 32cm
Step-by-step explanation: