The answer is cancer.
Cancer is an uncontrolled division of cells. The regulation of cell cycle is necessary for normal cell division. The first phase of the cell cycle is the G1 phase. If the G1 phase is affected, mistakes in this process lead to the uncontrolled division of cells called cancer.
All the above keywords conclude a process used by plant which is known as photosynthesis. This process is done by all the green plants in the presence of sunlight and also in dark.
Photosynthesis is defined as the process by which all the green plants prepare their food in the presence of sunlight by the use of water, minerals and carbon dioxide. Chloroplast provides green color to the plant and it is also known as photosynthesis site. Glucose is the product and oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Calvin cycle is a type of photosynthesis that is also followed by some. the energy released is counted in the terms of ATP which is also known as adenosine triphosphate. Sunlight plays a role of catalyst in the formation of food by the process of photosynthesis
La respuesta es C. Aurícula derecha – ventrículo derecho y aurícula izquierda – ventrículo izquierdo.
El corazón, órgano encargado de bombear sangre, se divide en dos secciones principales, cada una con una función. La primera es la cavidad derecha también llamada el corazón derecho, esta estructura incluye el ventrículo derecho y la aurícula derecha; además, esta sección recibe sangre no oxigenada y la bombea hacia los pulmones. Lo que es necesario para oxigenar la sangre. La segunda cavidad es la izquierda o corazón izquierdo que incluye el ventrículo y la aurícula izquierda; además, esta sección del corazón difiere de la cavidad derecha porque distribuye la sangre al resto del cuerpo.
Oh I know this, It narrows down its characteristics here is an example:
The first step in the key will be organized the following way:
1. a. wings covered by an exoskeleton
b. wings not covered by an exoskeleton
Next, the statements need to lead the observer to the next step to narrow the identification further:
1. a. wings covered by an exoskeleton go to step 2
b. wings not covered by an exoskeleton .go to step 3
Step 2 needs to consist of a pair of statements that will allow for the identification of the ladybug and the grasshopper:
2. a. body has a round shape .ladybug
b<span>. body has an elongated shape .grasshopper</span>