Next season: 3,056 subscribers.
The season after that: 4,689.28 subscribers
Step-by-step explanation:
There are 100,000 students in the community, of which 1,200 currently are season ticket subscribers. This means that 100,000 - 1,200 = 98,800 of the students are not season ticket subscribers.
The problem states that current subscribers tend to renew their subscription with probability 90% and persons presently not subscribing will subscribe for the next season with probability 2%.
For next season.
There are currently 1,200 subscribers. 90% of them are expected to renew. There are 98,800 non-subscribers. 2% are expected to subscribe. The expected number of subscribers is:

For next season, there are expected to be 3,056 subscribers, and 100,000 - 3,056 = 96,944 non subscribers.
For the season after that:
There are currently 3,056 subscribers. 90% of them are expected to renew. There are 96,944 non-subscribers. 2% are expected to subscribe. The expected number of subscribers is: