Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) play a critical role and are the support pillars of the healthcare team. Numerous professionals are trained to handle specific health problems and provide services in their area of expertise through comprehensive assessment and diagnosis and/or treatment to promote recovery and advance quality of life. They are defined as follows:
‘Allied health professionals include individuals involved with the delivery of health or related services, with expertise contributing in therapeutic, diagnostic, curative, preventive and rehabilitative interventions. They work in interdisciplinary health teams including physicians (all medical professionals including specialists), nurses and public health officials to promote, protect, treat and/or manage a person(‘s) physical, mental, social, emotional, environmental health and holistic well-being.’
heres the website to help: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/allied-healthcare-professionals-and-their-role-in-the-healthcare-delivery-system/46835292
ethnocentrism is judging other ethnic group, culture, tribe or race based on perception
Decreased risk of injury, increased bone density and strength and reduced osteoporosis
Humans shouldn’t fidget with the course of nature, because it leads to more and more problems.