Two other ways to write 0.632 is to turn it into a percent. To turn 0.632 into a percent just multiply it by 100. You can do this simply by moving the decimal point to the right twice and adding the percent sign: 63.2%
Another way is by fraction form. To put in in fraction form just look at the decimal and see which is the last place. The last placement it a thousandth. So your denominator is automatically 1000. Then, you look at the decimal and write the decimal and disregard the zero. The fraction you get is 632/1000. Hope this answer helps and mark as brainliest!
Step-by-step explanation:
A decagon has 10 sides so substitute it like this:
(n-2) x 180
(10-2) x 180
8 x 180= 1140
Step-by-step explanation:
The simple interest for $152, 2.5%, 18 month is $5.7
Given that, principal amount = $ 152, interest rate = 2.5 % and time period = 18 months.
Now we have to calculate the simple interest for above given values.
We know that, simple interest is given as
By substituting the given values, we get
By converting 18 months to years we get,
Hence, the simple interest is $5.7
5•4= 20
There are multiple more, just keep multiplying by a number higher than 4