One exercise myth would be- if you do a lot of crunches you will have "six pack" abs. This is incorrect because if you have fat on your stomach, the crunches will create muscle not burn fat.
Another exercise myth- muscles turn to fat when you stop exercising. This myth is not plausible because muscles are almost impossible to go away. Your muscles have muscle memory which makes it extra hard to "forget"!
Last exercise myth- strength training makes women muscular and unfeminine. This is not possible because strength training tests your endurance not how much you can lift. However, lifting weights would give you muscles! <3
It would cause dangerously low glucose levels in the blood
The efficiency of the cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular endurance is how efficiently your heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen rich blood to working muscles during physical activity (aerobic activity like walking, running, cycling or playing a sport) for a prolonged period of time or for more than 90 seconds.
If David does not have any problems to properly perform his gluconeogenesis or glycogenolysis, which is the formation of glucose from our reserves in the liver, he should have optimal glucose levels.