1. As the cell size increases, the ratio of surface area to volume DECREASES
2. It depends on the unit of the ratio 6:1. If it is in cm−1, then it means that it is similar to a cell of size 1 cm^3, which is normally too big to get materials from the surface
3. A Small cell has a large surface area/volume ratio and therefore can exchange molecules with it's external environment rapidly. So, Here cell with ratio 6:1 is smaller and have ability to better transportation across it's membrane as compared to other cell with ratio 3:1
Warm air rises, creating a low pressure zone; cool air sinks, creating a high pressure zone.
Humans are also part of ecosystems and if they cease to exist, human well being will be affected.
An atom is the smallest component of an element that still has the properties of that element.
Atoms are made of three particles. protons, neutrons, and electrons.