Anti-virus software is set to scan your computer weekly is the least effective.
0b11110000000 is binary
0o3600 is in octal
0x780 in hexa dec.
Explanation:its a bit complitcated to explain sorry bro!
Kevlar. Kevlar is similar in structure to nylon-6,6 except that instead of the amide links joining chains of carbon atoms together, they join benzene rings. The two monomers are benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid and 1,4-diaminobenzene.
Main Answer:What type of html list will automatically place a list marker, or bullet point, indicator in front of each item? group of answer choices description l <u>unordered list</u>
Sub heading:
How many types of html list and explain?
1.There are three types
unordered list
ordered list
description list
2.unordered list: is used to group a set of related items in no particular order.
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