Overflow incontinence
Overflow incontinence is due to the leakage of small amounts of urine out of a bladder that is perpetually full. Diabetes and spinal cord injuries may trigger this kind of incontinence.
A spinal cord injury may disrupt interactions among the nerves in the spinal cord that regulates bladder and bowel function and the brain, which leads to incontinence.
This type of inconsistency results from Injury to the spinal cord at T10-L2 causing an overactive bladder.
A) Crossing over is the mechanism of genetic variation that results from the exchange of gene segments between non-sister chomatids.
This amendment serves as the basis for the political freedoms of the United States, and freedom of the press plays a strong role in keeping democracy healthy.
Lecithin is (organic chemistry) the principal phospholipid in animals; it is particularly abundant in egg yolks, and is extracted commercially from soy. It is also a major constituent of cell membranes, and is commonly used as a food additive (as an emulsifier). While cephalin is (biochemistry) a phospholipid found particularly in the cells of nervous tissue; it is also the primary phospholipid in bacteria.