The goal you choose needs to be a SMART goal. What that means is, the goal needs to be specific, like instead of 'getting my grades up' it could be 'getting my algebra grade to a B'. Just something more specific. Then, Measurable, which means, you are able to measure how close you are to your goal. If you can't tell just how close you are to your goal, it is not measurable. Then, Actionable. Which means, are you able to put it into action? Are you able to start that goal? And then, Realistic... If your goal is to go to space, you need to think about how realistic that goal actually is. Not many people get to go to space. And finally, timebound. You need to have a set deadline, to push yourself into actually accomplishing the goal.
Hope this helps!
Hey, thx...
As am I, of you
Thanks for the points, fam!
“Wise people take time to make decisions,” is implied in the passage text, “As we find that wise people also decide unfamiliar things slowly and carefully...”