First you need to convert 32 into a fraction, so just add 1 as the denominator; 5/8 ÷ 32/1. But you can't divide fractions, so multiply by the reciprocal. 5/8 · 1/32. You should get 5/256 as your answer. I hope that helped!
You simplify the left side
Okay so you out them into the form of y=mx+b. since equation 2 is already like that you need to do it to equation 1. which is y=-4x+4. graph both equations. if it has a solution (1 point where the two lines meet) it is consistantly and independent. if they are parallel lines and the solution is 0 the system is inconsistent and the lines are dependent. if it's the same line they are consistent and dependent. the line is not the same since the y intercept is different. the slope is the same though which tells us its parallel. so the system has a solution of 0 and is inconsistent and the lines are independent.
angle 5 = angle 1 = Corresponding Angles Postulate
angle 6 + angle 5 = 180 = linear pair postulate
Step-by-step explanation: