It will be easy about me, why do you think? As an independent sovereign Ivan lll began to behave towards the Tatars. In 1476. He refused to pay them an annual tribute and entered into an alliance with the Crimean Khan, an enemy of the Golden Horde. Standing on the Ugra (1480) put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Russian state acquired formal sovereignty.
Yes becuase they traded nack and forth in a triangle
C)They allow multiple votes, from multiple voices to be heard
Political parties foster multiple elections. Most famously, the primary and general presidential elections. In the primary election the candidate that will represent each political party is voted into candidacy for the general election. In the general election voters choose between the candidate from each party to become president.
Because Ancient Greece education was designed to create good citizens, who were able to follow careers such as legislators or politicians. Because of that, they had disciplines such as music, rhetoric, and poetry. Homer was one of the greatest Greek poets, and his stories were used to teach the art of poetry, and consequently, the art to speak, read, and perform correctly in front of an audience.
However, you must remember that education toward art, morals, and ethics was only in Athens. There, the students were taught to be the best citizens as possible and was not an education designed for the war as in Sparta.
In the market place entrepeneurs compete for the dollar of the consumers. They are willing to interchange goods or sevices for money. The success or failure of an entrepreneur depends on how consumers approve or disapprove the products or services offered by entrepreneurs. If the product or service is seen as good or high quality then that entrepreneur will surely have high demand and will continue in the market place. If the product or service is seen as bad or bad quality then that entrepreneur will disappear.