The vegetable oil is made up of chains of long fatty acids. These long chains of fatty acids are non-polar in nature, i.e, they do not interact through ionic forces rather by covalent forces. The phospholipids are also long chain fatty acids with an ionic head. The mixing of the vial of phospholipid in vegatable oil will lead to the formation of a micelle where the lipophilic ends of the phospholipid will be on the outside and the lipophobic end will be towards the centre of the micelle.
Fatigue in skeletal muscles typically develops during repeated shortening contractions, as during walking or running. However, most experimental fatigue studies have analysed isometric muscle contractions, were the muscle generates force at a constant length.
the food that we eat are used up by the cells to perform different activities such as metabolism.
This medication is used alone or with other medication to treat malaria caused by mosquito bites in countries where malaria is common. Malaria parasites can enter the body through these mosquito bites, and then live in body tissues such as red blood cells or the liver.