as humans population continues to grow, we're cutting down more trees and occupying more lands to suffice the need of citizens, therefore, decreasing the forest biodiversity. Our plastic bags, as well as wastes, are polluting the ocean and eradicating essential species that are required to sustain a balance ecosystem, therefore, decreasing the biodiversity of the ocean that are required to maintain a balance environment.
Ectotherm can survive with a low calorie diet
Plants and animals are living things. They feed, respire, excrete, grow, move, reproduce and are sensitive to their environment. Animals and plants need food for energy but they feed in different ways.
Nucleic<span> Acids. </span>Nucleic<span> acids are organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.</span>
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water.