The sport has improved the overall behavior and performance of young adults, teaches them teamwork and persistence. Basketball also brings unity in communities and races alike, and has a constructive influence on the economy as a whole.
It help inspire empower latino and afro latino movements to come together to have two movements going on at the same time. the black panthers help inspire self determination to help other struggling latinos socially and economically.
The first answer is the founding of democratic principles, the system of government by the majority of people, for the people by the people. This is the system that rules most of the western world.
The second answer is the Macedonian's victory over Greece. Alexander the Great was Macedonian, not Greek, but with all the territory he conquered, He spread Greek culture.
the rise of humanistic thought; the recovery of the literary and artistic heritage of ancient Greece and Rome; increased innovation and discovery; the growth of commercial enterprise;
The United States should not care about