c. Bandura
Albert Bandura is a Social Cognitive Psychologist who is best known for his pioneering work Social Learning Theory, the concept of self-efficacy and he was best known for his Bobo Doll experiment, Observational learning, Social learning, and Self-Efficacy.
- Rollo May
- Abraham Maslow
- Carls rogers
These three were humanistic psychologist best known for their work
c.has monopoly power.
Panamint Springs has monopoly power, this means that being the last gas station on the root, they have control over price. Most vehicles will have no choice but to buy gas at whatever price the seller fixes.
The answer to this question is the "Reward Power". It happens when the manager or the employer in the organization is expression a praise, gratitude or a recognition. This is the best example of a reward power. A reward can be also expressed by giving the employee an increase in their salaries once they have made a significant or impressive performance from their work. They were praised and will be recognized by their managers.
True in most cases
This fact established can also be compared to a successful father or head male, if a father is successful, then there is tendency that the children will have that influence from there father to become successful ,so everything boils down to the father compared to the mother. Regardless of the gender of the children .So can be said about the criminality of the fathers can be of an influence to the children but note there is a possibility it might not happen( the children Also becoming a criminal), but in most true cases it happens but it all depends on the father and the mother generally.
The most likely source of her anxiety and depression is precisely her change of life to a new city and her new jo. All the changes a situation like that can bring to someone can be a factor of distress that can affect a person's life.
People that experence anxiety and depression are most likley to aggravate whenever a big change happends, or a particular difficult situation presents. Jo developed these symptoms after she moved into the new city, which is a life changing experience. This situation can be a factor of distress.