Removes water and salts from the body !
I dont have time but write about making something that can help like solar panels
The correct answer is: A. How does changing the amount of water affect the growth of corn?
While options B, C & D are not impossible to test, option A is the only question that can be tested using quantitative methods, such as statistical analysis. The question in option A states: "How does changing the amount of water affect the growth of corn?". This question is easily testable using scientific investigation, because controlled or measured amounts of water can be added to corn, and the consequent growth rate of corn can be easily measured and recorded. However, the questions in options B, C & D cannot be precisely measured using quantitative tools, since they aim to measure qualitative (subjective) factors, such as: ethics, happiness and disappointment.
Phospholipids form the basic structure of a cell membrane, called the lipid bilayer. Scattered in the lipid bilayer are cholesterol molecules, which help to keep the membrane fluid consistent. Membrane proteins are important for transporting substances across the cell membrane
I'm not sure how exactly you wanted this question to be answered. You're either talking about the symmetry where animals would have two legs or two arms for example and thus producing a pair of each muscle on both sides of the body, or you're refering to the development of agonistic and antaonistic muscles where each of them served a different purpose; either extending or contracting.